Mtg arena dredge
Mtg arena dredge

You get more win conditions than the normal control decks - Usually, control decks focus on disrupting the opponent’s gameplan long enough until they can deploy their huge finishers.The surprising aspect makes it hard to deal with this deck in Bo1. It flies under the radar - Control decks are very common in Historic but having the mill aspect is not.A very interesting take on Jeskai Control, Mill can take care of your opponent’s threats even before they draw them. I’m pretty sure you didn't expect this in the Top 10, maybe even in the Top 20 if there was such a list. My calculations show that you are now out of cards. You will even probably scratch your head with one of the featured decks but it is what it is. It features a lot of really strong Tier 1 decks but you may be surprised with the other entries in this Top Ten. Prepare to take over the Historic ranks with decks in this list.

mtg arena dredge

It is definitely becoming like the modern scene and we’re probably just waiting for a Historic version of Infect and Dredge decks. The historic metagame at present is dominated by a lot of different tribal decks and old archetypes.

Mtg arena dredge